
BlushTones will also soon be offering an even easier way to learn from the comfort of your home! Stay tuned for more details in the coming months!

BlushTones offers multiple ways to learn! We offer pro lessons dedicated to help artists further their artistry education, as well as, 1:1 and group classes for the everyday woman!

Leah Laviano has 10+ years of experience in the bridal beauty industry. Her work has been featured in magazines as well as national TV broadcasts. Not only does she have experience in the beauty world, but she also went to college to be a teacher!

Leah holds a Bachelors and Masters in Education and was a teacher for 3 years before combining both of her loves into one. She comes with years of experience teaching makeup courses to aspiring artists, professional artists, and everyday women!

meet leah

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BlushTones offers 1:1 makeup lessons for aspiring artists needing the foundations to start their artistry career, as well as, professional artists who want to hone in on their established sills and learn new techniques to further their artistry!

pro mua lessons

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Overwhelmed by all of the YouTube and TikTok makeup tutorials? Let us help you get you on the right track for YOUR perfect makeup application! Book a 1:1 or a group lesson with your closest friends!

makeup lessons

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Soon BlushTones will be offering online makeup lessons for pros and everyday women alike! Sign up for early access and receive a special promo rate!

online courses

we are proud to be a lGBtq+ friendly business & provide artistry services to all races & genderS with equal care.

at blushtones, we want everyone to feel at ease, pampered and like the best version of themselves.

and like the best version of themselves.
one to feel at ease, pampered
at blushtones, we want every
races and genders with equal care.
&  provide artistry services to all
we are proud to be a lGBtq+ friendly business